13 reasons why I’m a goth at heart

Robert Smith

Disintegration by The Cure

With the 25th anniversary of the Wave-Gotik-Treffen in Leipzig just behind us and inspired by a few friends who posted their amazing photos as young, beautiful goths, I’ve been thinking about the design aspects of the ‘dark’ culture lately. I’m not a fully-grown goth myself but I can’t say there isn’t something about the aesthetics of that scene that I don’t admire enormously. Now before I go on, let’s not get too hung up on terminology here. As with other scenes, genres, lifestyles – whatever you wanna call it – there are labels that some people embrace while others get upset over. I won’t pretend I know much about the goth culture apart from the fact that there is so much beauty in it! And that’s what this blog is all about.

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